An animated video for the iconic British song, 'Morning Train' written by Florrie Palmer. Famously recorded by Sheena Easton. It was the first time a British female artist topped the US charts. Famously knocking Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 off the top spot!
I worked with Florrie's son Harry to make a video using the original version recorded by Florrie. We wanted to pay homage to Florrie's life and created a character from her doodle of herself. We set the video in1980's and conveyed the feeling of the decade, with a light hearted approach. I sourced all the collage elements from royalty free websites.
Written and performed by Florrie Palmer. Original recording 1979.
A short accompanying interview with Florrie and Johnny Stirling her manager and producer. They chat about the process of recording the song and the impact it had on their lives. I added animated scenes to the interview with the Florrie character.