The Transit Authority is a live action, animation hybrid comedy series about blue-collar, 9-5 professional poltergeists. Tasked with the job of frightening people into changing their lives, it becomes painfully obvious that the dead are far less terrifying than the living.
The After Dark team worked together with Horror Doodles to make these 2 teaser trailers for the Transit Authority merging our animation with the live action footage they shot. Keep an eye on their website for more content coming soon!
Horror Doodles
Horror Doodles
Michael Dennehy
Michael Dennehy
Jenny Harrington
Joseph Felton
Jenny Harrington
Joseph Felton
Jenny and After Dark Animation are consummate professionals. She worked with us in every aspect of our process: character design, pre-production, animatics, temp animation all the way through to the final finished product. All her work was done in a swift and incredibly helpful manner. Communication was clear and easy while she produced needed animations well ahead of deadlines. It was a pleasure to work with Jenny and After Dark, we’ve worked with Jenny on several projects now and will continue to work with her in the future.
Michael Dennehy